This magnificent collection of whites and greens will delight the lucky recipient. This stunning bouquet contains the freshest Roses, Lilies, Salal, Eucalyptus, Crysanths, Gerbera, and much more.
Precious Petals Florists will add their unique touch to your arrangement to make sure it is that bit extra special for that special someone.
When you select your delivery date for your Christmas order we will do our very best to deliver on that specific day but due to the volume of orders that we get at Christmas all orders with Christmas greeting messages will be delivered between the 21st and 24th of December. If your message has a specific message for a birthday, romantic message, anniversary or something specific like that we will deliver your order on the date selected by you.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on 018101615 or if dialling from abroad 00035318101615, alternatively you can email us at
Precious Petals Florists would like to take this opportunity to you wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year!
This bouquet would be considered a very large bouquet and it is packed with flowers, this bouquet is truly great value and will delight the lucky recipient.
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