Brighten someone’s day with our Harmony Bouquet from Precious Petals Florists. The Harmony Bouquet is a collection of the freshest flowers. ]
This bouquet contains purple statice, green buttons crysanths, yellow roses, tree fern, salal, alstromeria and more. Our Dublin Florists will send out the harmony bouquet in a stunning aqua pack with a beautiful bow.
On rare occasions components may vary due to factors outside of our control like seasonal issues or crop damages in Holland but our Dublin Florist will always make sure to pick the next available option of a higher value making any changes barely noticeable.
Precious Petals Florists deliver throughout Dublin 7 days a week.
Precious Petals Florists Dublin can alter the harmony bouquet to match your budget, just call our florists on 01 810 1615 and we will be only to happy to assist you in anyway we can. Alternatively email us on
At Precious Petals Florists it is our goal to make sure that both you and the recipient of your thoughtful gift are happy customers and that you come back to us year after year.
We hope that you are so pleased with our service that you will recommend us to your family, friends and colleagues. Precious Petals Florists will add our own unique touches to your arrangement to make sure it is that bit extra special for that special someone.
Many Thanks for choosing Precious Petals Florists, your business is genuinely greatly appreciated by all of us here.
Bring a smile to someones face today!
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