

Send this stunning Serene bouquet of wild white Asiatic & Oriental Lilies. Our Lilies are sent out fresh so they will come into bloom after a few days, making sure you and the recipient get the best value.

Your flowers will be presented in a stunning aqua pack with a tasteful large bow, vases are sold separately. On rare occasions colours may vary but our selections will always delight.

Precious Petals Florists will add their unique touch to your arrangement to make sure it is that bit extra special for that special someone.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on 018101615 or if dialling from abroad 00035318101615, alternatively you can email us at




Our Dublin florists will take great pride in putting this stunning arrangement together for you. At Precious Petals our goal is to make you and the recipient of our flowers loyal customers for years to come, so you can be sure that with every single arrangement we will only use the freshest flowers available. The lilies will be sent out fresh so they will last longer and come into full bloom over the coming days

Please note on rare occasions components may vary due to factors outside of our control like seasonal issues or crop damages in Holland but our Dublin Florist will always make sure to pick the next available option of a higher value making any changes barely noticeable, vases sold separately.

Flower Delivery Dublin | Florists Dublin

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Choose Size

Large €50.00, Supreme €80.00, Deluxe €100.00