Rural Days


Rural Days from Precious Petals Florists is a wild styled bouquet that offers something that little bit different from other bouquets with a beautiful warm combinations of rich reds and glowing oranges.

Why not offer a rousing “Hooray!” to someone with something to celebrate? or for no particular reason at all, suitable for any occasion…..It€™s easy! Just send this colorful bouquet filled with a bright vibrant mix of fresh flowers.

Precious Petals Florists will add their unique touch to your arrangement to make sure it is that bit extra special for that special someone.

Florists Dublin | Flower Delivery Dublin


Rural Days

Our Dublin based florists deliver throughout Dublin. Our florists will take great pride in putting this stunning arrangement together for you.

At Precious Petals our goal is to make you and the recipient of our flowers loyal customers for years to come, so you can be sure that with every single arrangement we will only use the freshest flowers available and do our very best each and every time.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our Dublin based florists on 01 810 1615 and we will be only too happy to help you in anyway we can.

When you call our florists you`ll be able to speak to the actual florist who will be making your order and who will be following your order from the time you place the order until the time it is delivered.

Please note on rare occasions components may vary due to factors outside of our control like seasonal issues or crop damages in Holland but our Dublin Florist will always make sure to pick the next available option of a higher value making any changes barely noticeable, vases sold separately.

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Choose Size

Large €59.00, X-Large €79.00, Deluxe €99.00