It’s A Boy Bouquet


The Precious Petals It`s a Boy bouquet is a stunning way to welcome the new bundle to the world.

This stunning bouquet is full of the freshest flowers available including, Blue Monkshood / Delphinium, Beautiful Yellow Roses, Salal, Eucalyptus, Steel Grass, Limoniums, Asparagus Fern.

This bouquet would be considered a very large bouquet and it is packed with flowers, this bouquet is truly great value and will delight the lucky recipient.

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It’s A Boy Bouquet

Welcome the new little of bundle of joy and mix up a long, cool cocktail of sophistication: take some tall stems of blue Monkshood, add a handful of plump Ilios Roses in softest citrus, stir in some blueberry-tinted Delphiniums and garnish with salal tips and Eucalyptus fronds.

The It`s a Boy Bouquet from Precious Petals Florists Dublin comes as a beautiful aqua pack hand tie with a large baby blue bow.

At Precious Petals Florists it is our goal to make sure that both you and the recipient of your thoughtful gift are happy customers and that you come back to us year after year, we hope that you are so pleased with our service that you will recommend us to your family, friends and colleagues. Precious Petals Florists will add our own unique touches to your arrangement to make sure it is that bit extra special for that special someone.

This bouquet is suitable for all occasions. Our Flowers are Picked at the peak of perfection, please note vases are sold separately. You can choose to add a vase for as little as €10, if not our bouquets come in a stunning aqua pack hand tie with decorative cellophane tied with a beautiful bow, components may vary but our florists choice will always delight.

Precious Petals Florists Dublin can alter any bouquet to match your budget, just call our florists on 01 810 1615 and we will be only to happy to assist you in anyway we can. Alternatively you can always email us on

Our Dublin based florists deliver throughout Dublin.

Please note on rare occasions components may vary due to factors outside of our control like seasonal issues or crop damages in Holland but our Dublin Florist will always make sure to pick the next available option of a higher value making any changes barely noticeable, vases sold separately.


Additional information

Choose Size

Large €50.00, Deluxe €70.00

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