Amelia is a beautiful mix of the freshest natural flowers available and will add a tasteful warmth to any environment. Typically contains chamomile, alissa lisianthus, lavender roses, eucalyptus. This arrangement is designed to be more natural, wild and bohemian in style, giving the appearance that the arrangement is something that could have been picked from the meadows, fields and forests of Ireland, all these flowers are grown naturally so may have a wind swept appearance as Mother Nature intended.
This beautiful arrangement comes with a classic watering jug which acts a vase, see image below. PLEASE NOTE JUGS / VASES MAY VARY DUE TO SUPPLIERS CHANGING PRODUCTS. These jugs are recyclable and reusable reducing the amount of plastic wrapping which is great for our environment, with a little care they can be used again and again. They can vary from time to time. This means when your stunning flowers arrive all the recipient has to do is put them in a place for all to admire as they will already be in a water filled tasteful Watering Jug Vase, taking all the hassle away.
Flowers will vary due to seasonal issues and availability.
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