Huggy Bear 25cm


This cute Teddy Bear is a perfect addition to your floral gift. Our Teddy Bears are suitable for all occasions…romance, new babies, anniversaries or simply just because! This thoughtful and cute surprise will come as a complete surprise when it arrives!

This cute Teddy Bear is a very popular item and shows the lucky recipients of your thoughtful gift just how they mean to you.

Flower Delivery Dublin | Florists Dublin

3 in stock


Huggy Bear 25cm

Precious Petals Florists delivers throughout Dublin. At Precious Petals we take great pride in everything we do and we will always do our very best with each and every customer.

Our aim is to make both you and the recipient so happy with the service that both of you will become loyal customers of Precious Petals Florists for years to come.

If there is anything we can do to assist you please do not hesitate to contact our Florists on 01 810 1615 or for international customers call 00353 1 810 1615.

If you need to place an order by phone after hours or need any assistance please call 087 270 7264 (00353 87 270 7264) anytime and we will be only to happy to assist you in anyway we can alternatively you can email

Please note the Bear is only sold with Flowers.