Sale!Our Dublin florists will take great pride in putting this stunning arrangement of luxury red Roses together for you. At Precious Petals our goal is to make you and the recipient of our flowers loyal customers for years to come, so you can be sure that with every single arrangement we will only use the freshest flowers available. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
Bring a smile to that special someones face with this beautiful arrangement in a 4"x4" glass cube designed by the florists at www.preciouspetals.ie. This stunning arrangement contains the freshest red Roses, Hyper red berries, Salal and more. Precious Petals Florists will add their unique touch to your arrangement to make sure it is that bit extra special for that special someone. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
The stunning Pure Love arrangement comes in a 10cm glass cube which contains large headed red Naomi roses with sparkling white stargazer lilies and is one of our most popular arrangements. This thoughtful romantic gift is ideal for the home or office. Our Dublin florists will take great pride in putting this stunning arrangement together for you. At Precious Petals our goal is to make you and the recipient of our flowers loyal customers for years to come, so you can be sure that with every single arrangement we will only use the freshest flowers available. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
The Precious Petals Florists Choice of the day is one of our most popular bouquets, gaining great feedback from our customers. This stunning bouquet is full of the freshest flowers available. Included in the €53.99 option is 1 Large Lily, 2 Large Head Pink Roses, 2 Large Head Red Naomi Roses, 2 Mixed Pink Regan Chrysanths, 10+ Salal, 2 Large Gerbera Daisies, 3 Steel Grass, 4+ Eucalyptus. This bouquet would be considered a very large bouquet and it is packed with flowers, this bouquet is truly great value and will delight the lucky recipient. Components may vary from time to time. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
Precious Petals Florists exclusive Parisian Romance roses range is an elegant way to convey your feelings in the most traditional of ways. There are a variety of options with the Parisian Romance range, you can have roses in Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink, White in the following sizes Black square box +lid 150MMX150MMx150MM (Approx. 16 roses) White square box +lid 150MMX150MMx150MM (Approx. 16 roses) Black round box +lid 200X180MM (Approx. 22+ roses) White round box +lid 200X180MM (Approx. 22+ roses)
This cute Teddy Bear is a perfect addition to your floral gift. Our Teddy Bears are suitable for all occasions...romance, new babies, anniversaries or simply just because! This thoughtful and cute surprise will come as a complete surprise when it arrives! This cute Teddy Bear is a very popular item and shows the lucky recipients of your thoughtful gift just how they mean to you. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
Sale!Let them know you care with a fresh bouquet of exquisite long-stem pink roses, an unforgettable gift of sophisticated beauty. Our florists select only the finest, freshest long-stem pink roses and arrange them with salal and tree fern. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
Precious Petals Florists exclusive Parisian Christmas roses range is an elegant way to convey your feelings in the most traditional of ways. Precious Petals delivers these stunning and unique flowers throughout Dublin. These large headed roses come in this delightful quality reusable hat box. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on 01 8101615 or if dialling from abroad 0035318101615 and we will be only to happy to help you send the flowers to the lucky recipient.
The Midnight Flowers bouquet contains delightful shades of purples, lavenders and greens, please note due to availability and seasonal factors some flowers may vary but our replacements should they be needed will be of the same value and colours. All of our Flowers are picked at the peak of perfection. The Midnight Flowers bouquets typically contains a combination of limonium, roses, alstromerias, crysanths, carnations, sea foam statice, eustoma, scabiosa, phlox, stock, salal, eucalyptus and more. The Midnight Flowers €60 option typically contains, 10 + stems of Salal, 4+ stems of eucalyptus, 4 stems of large headed lavender roses, 2 -3 stems of sea foam statice, 5 stems x milka carnations, 2 single head purple trachelium, 2 stems x single head or multi head crsyanths. This bouquet would be considered a very large bouquet and it is packed with flowers, this bouquet is truly great value and will delight the lucky recipient. All bouquets come as standard in an eco friendly floral vase gift box which acts as a vase meaning the recipient does not to rearrange the flowers expertly put together by our florists. Vases are sold separately. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
For the more chic individual why not send the Covent Garden rustic contemporary arrangement consisting of gorgeous avalanche roses, blushing antique carnations, Peruvian alstromerias and more hand-arranged in a stylish 12cm glass vase, and she'll think it's the perfect accessory. This thoughtful romantic gift is ideal for the home or office. Please note components may vary from time to time due to Mother Nature and seasonal issues but our replacements should they be necessary will always delight. The flowers in this arrangement are grown using no chemicals and from independent farms meaning they appear as Mother Nature intended, they will have their guard petals and will look more natural and windswept but they will be fresh and may take a few days to bloom. This means the lucky recipient will get to enjoy them longer and see all the natural stages of the flowers blooming, the image is in full bloom. Our Dublin florists will take great pride in putting this stunning arrangement together for you. At Precious Petals our goal is to make you and the recipient of our flowers loyal customers for years to come, so you can be sure that with every single arrangement we will only use the freshest flowers available. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]
The stunning Pink Passion bouquet contains large headed pink roses with dazzling pink stargazer lilies and is one of our most popular arrangements. This thoughtful romantic gift is ideal for the home or office. Our Dublin florists will take great pride in putting this stunning arrangement together for you. At Precious Petals our goal is to make you and the recipient of our flowers loyal customers for years to come, so you can be sure that with every single arrangement we will only use the freshest flowers available. Please note vases are sold separately, the bouquets come in a gorgeous decorative aqua pack and large pink bow. [easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,pinterest" counters=0 style="icon" template="10" point_type="simple"]